Sunday, May 29, 2016

Hailing Hawkeye!

Hawkeye. An archer among the Avengers. The one who made the Black Widow turn. The guy who's supposed to be really funny and flirty...AND SINGLE and if he was all those things I wouldn't be making this post.

Hawkeye is Hydra theory...which you should have figured given the title. Move over Cap, there's a new Hydra agent in town!
So, if you've seen my other blog, you'd know that I speculated that Hawk Eye was Hydra. If you haven't seen it, here's the entire thing below.

Hawkeye: The Hydra Initative?!

"You lie and kill in the service of liars and killers."~Loki

Alright! So I read somewhere that Loki knew about Hydra...honestly it makes one think, where did he find it out? In the Avengers Loki is always seen with one agent, always talking to him and always questioning him.

Clint Barton. The Hawkeye.

This might make you scream "No"  but hear me out.
Clint's wife and kids could be a front. That's why Loki didn't go after them because he knew it would hold no leverage. He could be close to Natasha because he wants to show her that Hydra will not harm her. He may be absent from CATWS because he wasn't going to get involved in the major Hydra throw down. His early wound in the battle could be because of he was reluctant to fight his true alliance. The encouragement given to Scarlet Witch might be because he wants her to trust him.

Don't believe me? Here is Captain America: Civil War's team. Cap's side.

Coincidence? I don't think so.
Look who's on the team. Two of Hydra's greatest assets. The Winter Soldier and The Scarlet Witch.
The plan could be simple. Befriend the two, give them reason to trust him.
Confide to Bucky about his brainwashing experience in order to gain his trust.
Be someone who Wanda is able to talk to and for her to get out her fears. This will pit him against Nat though. But for Hydra, it could be two for the price of one.

EDIT: Does anyone else remember Tony Stark's line in the first "Avengers" movie? "In a couple seconds, I'll have every dirty secret they have." Or something like that.
This caused a stir among fans when we found out S.H.I.E.L.D was Hydra....but it could be assumed Tony just didn't bother looking through all the files yet, because he's Tony Stark and I'm pretty sure if Jarvis tried to remind him he'd brush him off with a "I have more important things to do."
Buuuut...what if by Age Of Ultron he had nearly finished reading the Hydra files and he came across this.
His quote of "That's an agent....those are....smaller agents..." may not be coincidental.

So, this is just my random ramblings. Just an opinion by the way.~Winter

So, that was my original I have more evidence backing my theory.
Hawkeye joins the war...and doesn't even think of his family. 
More and more implications pop up during the movie as he shows no concern about leaving his family.
If he was the caring father he's supposed to be, as well as loving husband, he should be more worried.
More concerned about the fact he may never see them again. 
So, why so much indifference?
Simple. He's not really married and that's why Stark spoke in that accusing, yet seeming to get something out of him, tone when asking about his family.
He's trying to confirm his information.
And Clint...doesn't answer.
Why is that? Why is he so hush hush about the whole thing?
Is he guilty for leaving them, or is there something darker?
He jokes about his "kids" too trivially and nearly seems aloof to everything concerning the Barton family.

What if, in joining Cap it was his attempt to escape. Everyone would question about his family if he said he kept talking about what he promised the kids he would do.
Clint also seems more free in this. Chalk it up to the writing (cause the Russos are awesome at it) if you want...but maybe he's glad he's out of Hydra.
And Tony won't say anything because he'd be suspecting one of their own and getting more and more blame put upon him.

I've run out of patience.
Hey everyone! Up next I'll be doing Ravishing Romanoff! (Because I could think of nothing that started with N...only nifty.)

 This has been Winter saying....HAIL HYDRA! (Joking...I do not want to join. I just like saying it okay? OKAY?! *inches away*~Winter

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