Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Controversial Subjects Ahead! I Am Going To Offend Nearly Everyone! I said. Touchy subject I'm addressing and the lame arguments that come with it.

Yeah, I know I'm supposed to be doing an article on Falcon. (It's coming guys! Hang in there!)
But I need to address this.
So, let's loosen you all up first. Enjoy a minion song dubsmash with Bucky and his stunt doubles. I probably laughed a bit too much at this. (Keep your eyes on the background.)

Ok...everyone smiling?
Have the combination of minions and Winter Soldier made you light hearted and will now take what I'm going to say without trying to murder me?
(Listen, I'm writing a book and one of them is an assassin, try to virtually kill me and I'll fictionally set him on you.)

Ok, I still don't trust you I'll remedy that! Smile more at these! (Seriously. Smile.)

Ok! Now I'm ready!
So...Twitter has ventured into the realm of stupid again with their #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend junk.
And it's funny...the argument they hear the most that they ridicule is the one I've yet to hear a good argument from them.
It's "you can't change someone's sexuality." their response? "Lol! He's never been straight! He's bi!"

Um...excuse me?

Even Rogers, though I doubt it, is also have to take into account the sexuality of the boyfriend they all want him to have.
Yep, poor guy caught in crossfire...again. (Probably the reason he's tied with Sam for my favorite character. Problems arise just by saying his name. Also because he had a second to no fanbase in TFA)
Alright, so what let's see what Steve and Bucky's early life was like.
When we first meet the two he's...getting Steve so they could go on a date that he set up.
Why does it feel like throughout the Cap movies everyone is trying to hook him up with someone?
Random note; Bucky, you have a terrible sense in dates! Seriously! The girl you got for Steve's date was an...LANGUAGE! Annoyance! What'd you think I was gonna say Rogers? He offered you a snack girl. Don't roll your eyes. I could write a 100 page essay on how rude and inconsiderate and selfish and-! Sorry...back to the subject.
Ok, let's see. Showing an obvious interest in girls is one of their first dialogues.

Bucky: "I don't see what you're complaining about. You're about to be the last eligible man in New York.  You know there's three and a half million women here."
Steve: "Hell, I'd settle for just one."

So...not convinced? Well, here's more evidence that these two are NOT bi.

  • Steve Rogers: I guess I just don't why you'd wanna join the army if you're a beautiful dame. Or a beautiful...a woman. An agent, not a dame! You are beautiful, but... 
  • Peggy Carter: You have no idea how to talk to a woman, do you? 
  • Steve Rogers: This is the longers conversation I've had with one. Women aren't exactly lining up to dance with a guy they might step on. 
  • Peggy Carter: You must have danced? 
  • Steve Rogers: Well, asking a woman to dance always seems so terrifying. And the past few year just didn't seem to matter that much. Figured I'd wait. 
  • Peggy Carter: For what? 
  • Steve Rogers: The right partner.
Need more evidence? Really?
Howabout...BUCKY HITTING ON PEGGY CARTER?? (She takes none of it...LIKEABOSS!)

Peggy: I see your top squad is prepping for duty.
Bucky: You don't like music?
Peggy: I do, actually. I might even, when this is all over...go dancing.
Bucky: Then what are we waiting for?
Peggy: The right partner. Pay attention, Captain.
Steve: Yes, Ma'am. I'll be there.
Bucky: I'm invisible. I'm turning into you. It's a horrible dream.
Steve: Don't take it so hard. Maybe she's got a friend. seems pretty obvious to me that they both are straight.

Seriously guys? You need MORE proof?
Okay! Rapid fire facts coming atcha from the latest Cap movies!

Steve hits on Sharon Carter!
Bucky spends most of their money trying to impress some girl he called "Dot"
Steve kiiiiinda, but not really, hit on Nat with a wink. (Dude, that's 
really flirty. Whattya doin' Rogers?)
Bucky panicking about becoming invisible to the females!
Steve's looks of adoration at Sharon! (He seriously looks at her like she descended from heaven. Now all we need is for him to try, and fail, to use a pick-up line that goes; Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? And it'd be completely in Character if she said. "Well, no. I believe it was you who fell from heaven...and froze over." Cue the laughs!) two girls at once. Don't believe me? When he leaves he says "c'mon GIRLS." Wow, can you imagine the drama of that night? Both girls vying for his attention? I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind...but still!

Soooo....this is my take on the latest trend.
Seriously guys, why can't you ask for a canonically gay character to be in there instead of obsessing over your non-cannon ship.
There's plenty of them out there, seeing as the MarvelComicverse is large. 
Ask for those characters to be in a TV show or even get their own movie.
But seriously.
Sebastian Stan, and this is my reference quote for proving that it's not gonna happen because it came from THE ACTOR OF BUCKY 
"I think it’s easy and generalizing it to say that they’re lovers, when you’re forgetting that one has a lot of guilt because he swore to be the protector of the other, the father figure or older brother so to speak, and then left him behind.
I have no qualms with it but I think people like to see it much more as a love story than it actually is. It’s brotherhood to me."
What's this saying?
Basically everyone sees two guys with a close relationship and thinks: "HAH! GAAAAAEEEEY!!" But that's not what these two are. Ever heard of the term; "Brothers in all but blood?" Yep. That's these two. (Okay, guilty confession. I use this term...a lot in my books. It gets the point across.) 
Plus Joe Russo made this quote:

People can interpret the relationship however they want to interpret it, for us, we’ve always interpreted the relationship as two brothers. They’re very close characters, they have a relationship with each other that is very deep. The bonds between the characters are very strong. That’s what motivates the storytelling.” 

So so bring on the hate! I will take you down, respect your ships but will unleash my eloquent (probably not really) and philosophical arguments against your swearing and bad grammar! This happens all the time on Pinterest. I've won every battle, care to try me? (Just kidding. I'd rather avoid conflict...maybe have some plums....I'm really gonna wear out the plums thing aren't I?)~Winter

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