Sunday, May 29, 2016

Hailing Hawkeye!

Hawkeye. An archer among the Avengers. The one who made the Black Widow turn. The guy who's supposed to be really funny and flirty...AND SINGLE and if he was all those things I wouldn't be making this post.

Hawkeye is Hydra theory...which you should have figured given the title. Move over Cap, there's a new Hydra agent in town!
So, if you've seen my other blog, you'd know that I speculated that Hawk Eye was Hydra. If you haven't seen it, here's the entire thing below.

Hawkeye: The Hydra Initative?!

"You lie and kill in the service of liars and killers."~Loki

Alright! So I read somewhere that Loki knew about Hydra...honestly it makes one think, where did he find it out? In the Avengers Loki is always seen with one agent, always talking to him and always questioning him.

Clint Barton. The Hawkeye.

This might make you scream "No"  but hear me out.
Clint's wife and kids could be a front. That's why Loki didn't go after them because he knew it would hold no leverage. He could be close to Natasha because he wants to show her that Hydra will not harm her. He may be absent from CATWS because he wasn't going to get involved in the major Hydra throw down. His early wound in the battle could be because of he was reluctant to fight his true alliance. The encouragement given to Scarlet Witch might be because he wants her to trust him.

Don't believe me? Here is Captain America: Civil War's team. Cap's side.

Coincidence? I don't think so.
Look who's on the team. Two of Hydra's greatest assets. The Winter Soldier and The Scarlet Witch.
The plan could be simple. Befriend the two, give them reason to trust him.
Confide to Bucky about his brainwashing experience in order to gain his trust.
Be someone who Wanda is able to talk to and for her to get out her fears. This will pit him against Nat though. But for Hydra, it could be two for the price of one.

EDIT: Does anyone else remember Tony Stark's line in the first "Avengers" movie? "In a couple seconds, I'll have every dirty secret they have." Or something like that.
This caused a stir among fans when we found out S.H.I.E.L.D was Hydra....but it could be assumed Tony just didn't bother looking through all the files yet, because he's Tony Stark and I'm pretty sure if Jarvis tried to remind him he'd brush him off with a "I have more important things to do."
Buuuut...what if by Age Of Ultron he had nearly finished reading the Hydra files and he came across this.
His quote of "That's an agent....those are....smaller agents..." may not be coincidental.

So, this is just my random ramblings. Just an opinion by the way.~Winter

So, that was my original I have more evidence backing my theory.
Hawkeye joins the war...and doesn't even think of his family. 
More and more implications pop up during the movie as he shows no concern about leaving his family.
If he was the caring father he's supposed to be, as well as loving husband, he should be more worried.
More concerned about the fact he may never see them again. 
So, why so much indifference?
Simple. He's not really married and that's why Stark spoke in that accusing, yet seeming to get something out of him, tone when asking about his family.
He's trying to confirm his information.
And Clint...doesn't answer.
Why is that? Why is he so hush hush about the whole thing?
Is he guilty for leaving them, or is there something darker?
He jokes about his "kids" too trivially and nearly seems aloof to everything concerning the Barton family.

What if, in joining Cap it was his attempt to escape. Everyone would question about his family if he said he kept talking about what he promised the kids he would do.
Clint also seems more free in this. Chalk it up to the writing (cause the Russos are awesome at it) if you want...but maybe he's glad he's out of Hydra.
And Tony won't say anything because he'd be suspecting one of their own and getting more and more blame put upon him.

I've run out of patience.
Hey everyone! Up next I'll be doing Ravishing Romanoff! (Because I could think of nothing that started with N...only nifty.)

 This has been Winter saying....HAIL HYDRA! (Joking...I do not want to join. I just like saying it okay? OKAY?! *inches away*~Winter

Friday, May 27, 2016

Fantastic Falcon! A Character Overveiw.

Oh Falcon...never change! •*•*•*\(^_^)/*•*•*•

Sam Wilson! AKA The Falcon.

The true high-flying bird of Marvel. Stand aside Hawk-Boy. A new bird's in town....and man is he awesome!

Falcon is admittedly one of my favorite characters of the MCU (He's all over my blog, so it's kinda obvious). He quite possibly could be my all time favorite...coming in close along with Bucky and well as Ant-Man tagging along.
So I figured, why not make an entire character appreciation post dedicated to him? I've probably already done this, but even if I have or have not, I'm still doing it.

It seems to always be this way with Cap movies. The sidekick becomes my top ranked character of the MCU and barely ever see them again. Yep. Poof. Gone.
Thankfully this hasn't happened with Falcon.
(Unless you count AoU. One of the many reasons I hate that movie.)
Since his appearance in The Winter Soldier we've seen much more of this winged warrior.
And I'm thrilled about that.
From his brief cameos in AoU to the shattering effect he had in Ant Man as well as the current way he defied gravity in Civil War. Falcon is the life of the party.
Yet...he's so underrated.
During Anthony Mackie's (Falcon) CATWS panel someone brought a sign that said in large bold letters. "WELCOME SEBASTIAN STAN!" Mackie wondered where his name was and she pointed it out....scrawled in pencil.

"Oh! Anthony Mackie's going to be here too?! I better add this on!"-Roughly Anthony Mackie's Quote

Ok...maybe I'm being a little rough on the fandom...I do that...A LOT. (I regret nothing! >:D)
But still...Falcon is the quippiest character I have ever seen, has the best lines and literally needs to be in everything.

Gonna make another Cap movie? (KILL HIM ALREADY!)

Gonna make another Avengers movie?

Gonna make a Black Panther movie?
...Falcon and maybe Bucky? (What? There's set-up for everyone's favorite bad-guy-gone-good to be in there)

 Ant-Man and The Wasp?

Dr Str-! Wait, never mind...
Falcon in the end credits?

Guardians of the Galaxy 2?
End credits again maybe...

Another Spider-Man?

Black Widow movie?

Get what I'm saying yet?
Let the winged warrior soar through all the Marvel movies!

I would root for a team up movie of Falcon and The Winter Soldier, it could be animated possibly like the "Captain America and Iron Man" as well as "Iron Man and The Hulk" movies on Netflix.
But they could maaayybee hire the actual actors for the voices? (What? If Sebastian Stan can voice Bucky in a video game, I see no reason why him and Mackie could do a animated movie.)

But honestly, Mackie says he doesn't want a solo Falcon film (bummer) so let's put him in everything!
Oh, well...there is of course problems with schedules and stuff, but still.

Also, there's a post that's gotten very popular on Pintrest. Namely; "Quit trying to get Cap and Widow into the Black Panther movie! There's going to be very few white people in it, so quit trying to insert your white favorites!"
Yeah, buuuut...can Falcon be in it? Hey, not white!'s a game of cat and...bird I guess.
So yeah, Falcon.
Falcon everywhere.

This has been my; Fantastic Falcon post! Up next will be "Hailing Hawkeye!" (Wow, I'm in a bird mood) See Ya!~Winter

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Controversial Subjects Ahead! I Am Going To Offend Nearly Everyone! I said. Touchy subject I'm addressing and the lame arguments that come with it.

Yeah, I know I'm supposed to be doing an article on Falcon. (It's coming guys! Hang in there!)
But I need to address this.
So, let's loosen you all up first. Enjoy a minion song dubsmash with Bucky and his stunt doubles. I probably laughed a bit too much at this. (Keep your eyes on the background.)

Ok...everyone smiling?
Have the combination of minions and Winter Soldier made you light hearted and will now take what I'm going to say without trying to murder me?
(Listen, I'm writing a book and one of them is an assassin, try to virtually kill me and I'll fictionally set him on you.)

Ok, I still don't trust you I'll remedy that! Smile more at these! (Seriously. Smile.)

Ok! Now I'm ready!
So...Twitter has ventured into the realm of stupid again with their #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend junk.
And it's funny...the argument they hear the most that they ridicule is the one I've yet to hear a good argument from them.
It's "you can't change someone's sexuality." their response? "Lol! He's never been straight! He's bi!"

Um...excuse me?

Even Rogers, though I doubt it, is also have to take into account the sexuality of the boyfriend they all want him to have.
Yep, poor guy caught in crossfire...again. (Probably the reason he's tied with Sam for my favorite character. Problems arise just by saying his name. Also because he had a second to no fanbase in TFA)
Alright, so what let's see what Steve and Bucky's early life was like.
When we first meet the two he's...getting Steve so they could go on a date that he set up.
Why does it feel like throughout the Cap movies everyone is trying to hook him up with someone?
Random note; Bucky, you have a terrible sense in dates! Seriously! The girl you got for Steve's date was an...LANGUAGE! Annoyance! What'd you think I was gonna say Rogers? He offered you a snack girl. Don't roll your eyes. I could write a 100 page essay on how rude and inconsiderate and selfish and-! Sorry...back to the subject.
Ok, let's see. Showing an obvious interest in girls is one of their first dialogues.

Bucky: "I don't see what you're complaining about. You're about to be the last eligible man in New York.  You know there's three and a half million women here."
Steve: "Hell, I'd settle for just one."

So...not convinced? Well, here's more evidence that these two are NOT bi.

  • Steve Rogers: I guess I just don't why you'd wanna join the army if you're a beautiful dame. Or a beautiful...a woman. An agent, not a dame! You are beautiful, but... 
  • Peggy Carter: You have no idea how to talk to a woman, do you? 
  • Steve Rogers: This is the longers conversation I've had with one. Women aren't exactly lining up to dance with a guy they might step on. 
  • Peggy Carter: You must have danced? 
  • Steve Rogers: Well, asking a woman to dance always seems so terrifying. And the past few year just didn't seem to matter that much. Figured I'd wait. 
  • Peggy Carter: For what? 
  • Steve Rogers: The right partner.
Need more evidence? Really?
Howabout...BUCKY HITTING ON PEGGY CARTER?? (She takes none of it...LIKEABOSS!)

Peggy: I see your top squad is prepping for duty.
Bucky: You don't like music?
Peggy: I do, actually. I might even, when this is all over...go dancing.
Bucky: Then what are we waiting for?
Peggy: The right partner. Pay attention, Captain.
Steve: Yes, Ma'am. I'll be there.
Bucky: I'm invisible. I'm turning into you. It's a horrible dream.
Steve: Don't take it so hard. Maybe she's got a friend. seems pretty obvious to me that they both are straight.

Seriously guys? You need MORE proof?
Okay! Rapid fire facts coming atcha from the latest Cap movies!

Steve hits on Sharon Carter!
Bucky spends most of their money trying to impress some girl he called "Dot"
Steve kiiiiinda, but not really, hit on Nat with a wink. (Dude, that's 
really flirty. Whattya doin' Rogers?)
Bucky panicking about becoming invisible to the females!
Steve's looks of adoration at Sharon! (He seriously looks at her like she descended from heaven. Now all we need is for him to try, and fail, to use a pick-up line that goes; Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? And it'd be completely in Character if she said. "Well, no. I believe it was you who fell from heaven...and froze over." Cue the laughs!) two girls at once. Don't believe me? When he leaves he says "c'mon GIRLS." Wow, can you imagine the drama of that night? Both girls vying for his attention? I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind...but still!

Soooo....this is my take on the latest trend.
Seriously guys, why can't you ask for a canonically gay character to be in there instead of obsessing over your non-cannon ship.
There's plenty of them out there, seeing as the MarvelComicverse is large. 
Ask for those characters to be in a TV show or even get their own movie.
But seriously.
Sebastian Stan, and this is my reference quote for proving that it's not gonna happen because it came from THE ACTOR OF BUCKY 
"I think it’s easy and generalizing it to say that they’re lovers, when you’re forgetting that one has a lot of guilt because he swore to be the protector of the other, the father figure or older brother so to speak, and then left him behind.
I have no qualms with it but I think people like to see it much more as a love story than it actually is. It’s brotherhood to me."
What's this saying?
Basically everyone sees two guys with a close relationship and thinks: "HAH! GAAAAAEEEEY!!" But that's not what these two are. Ever heard of the term; "Brothers in all but blood?" Yep. That's these two. (Okay, guilty confession. I use this term...a lot in my books. It gets the point across.) 
Plus Joe Russo made this quote:

People can interpret the relationship however they want to interpret it, for us, we’ve always interpreted the relationship as two brothers. They’re very close characters, they have a relationship with each other that is very deep. The bonds between the characters are very strong. That’s what motivates the storytelling.” 

So so bring on the hate! I will take you down, respect your ships but will unleash my eloquent (probably not really) and philosophical arguments against your swearing and bad grammar! This happens all the time on Pinterest. I've won every battle, care to try me? (Just kidding. I'd rather avoid conflict...maybe have some plums....I'm really gonna wear out the plums thing aren't I?)~Winter

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Black Widow Movie Confirmed?!? :0

Ok...currently I'm working on a Falcon post but this news made me want to make this right away!

Black Widow may finally get her own movie!! :D

Ok, the Russo bros are down to direct it and do you know what this means?
Mackie is also wanting to be in it, which I would love by the way! (Honestly, I'd rather Widow be with Falcon than Hulk...much better chemistry. So...semi-ship it I guess? I'M STILL CLINTASHA LADIES AND GENTS! :)) Seriously, the MCU needs more Falcon. This guy is the best.
If we do get a Winter Soldier-because everyone's begging for it-movie, I'd love it if Sam was in it. Those two were the highlight of Civil War. :)
But still, we really need more Falcon. Put him in everything. ^_^ I'm not joking.

I have to say...I want Hawkeye in this.
C'mon, the Russos know how to write this man! He's like comics Hawkeye as well as the animated series! It's incredible! La la la la laaaa! (Sorry, one of the best scenes.)
Also, it would delve a bit more into the....uh...FRIENDSHIP, yeah...totally gonna say friendship, he has with Widow.

Let's mix things up a bit, why not have this one be the one when they unthaw Winter Soldier? Not because I want more Falcon and Winter Soldier interactions, but to show how much he and Natasha work together, given their shared history....and give them a brother-sister relationship maybe? Kinda like her and Falcon.
I semi-ship this one too...but I really just want Sam and Bucky to remain single, ya dig?
They're just so much better being two bros with no-one to hold them down.
That said, I wouldn't be too upset if she ended up with either one of them. Better yet, keep her independent!

Also, what if we introduced...MODOK?!!
C'mon, there's an awesome story brewing if they fight A.I.M...

Ok! This is my thoughts on these BW movie rumors...only my opinion!~Winter

Monday, May 9, 2016

Bromance! No Fandom Is Complete Without It!

Yep! Everyone loves a close bond between two guys causing some hilarious squabbles and jests, as well as a protective nature embedded in them both!

But what happens when it crosses over into the celeb world?

Yes everybody, I'm talking about the cast (and I did a bunch of analyzing so I hope you're happy.)...oh good Lord, what have I come to?
Actually, I know. It's because of a rising anger in me about one "Bromance"
Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan.
(Alarms go off and people everywhere start screaming)


I'm on Pintrest, and everyone always raves about Evans and Stan's bromance...and I don't see it. What I see are people projecting the characters they play on the actors! Let me explain.
 They may have a good relationship, sure. Friends? Quite possibly! But "Best Bromance?" NO.
Here, I'll show you a true bromance.
Wanna know who it is? Evans is just there for plot convenience.

Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie.

Look at this picture. This should explain it all.
He doesn't lean towards Evans, its like he's trying to be closer to Mackie then anyone else, it's also seen in some other instances as well.
Still don't belive me?
In intervews Evans is the main focus most of the time, so more often than not their joking around in the background and whispering things causing the other to laugh or roll their eyes at the other...or just be plain surprised!

We also see him being more comfortable with Mackie than any of his other Marvel Co-stars.
He often comes off as more reserved than his other co-stars during group interviews (other than Paul Bettany. Who is hilarious by the way!)...despite getting sassy during an interview where he wasn't asked a question until the end...which prompted him to go, "oh yeah! Hi!"
But around Mackie he seems to light up and burst into full out crazy mode...going as far as to do wild arm motions, nearly hitting Mackie (le epic dodge happened), when describing how Falcon would fly if he fogged up his glasses.
Plus he even started singing...and getting so excited he started to talk into his water bottle.
Mackie is Mackie to everyone...he's friendly and a ball of fun, so touching on how Mackie acts would be kind of a lost cause...that guy has countless energy and happiness radiating from him.
(Which is funny and furthers my "Sam Wilson Is Best Superhero!" Thing.)

Another thing is how they joke about each others accents. They both try their best to do impressions of the other while keeping a straight face, Mackie often uses a British accent when he tries to copy Stan, and Stan...I don't even know what it is. Jamaican possibly? I have no ide-!...wait...crud.
Refrain yourself....refrain yourself....
I'm sorry...I couldn't help it.

Something also of note is that in an interview they were asked, "what's the question that you've been wanting to ask each other?"
Then Stan says, and looks genuinely confused and hurt while saying it, "why don't you look at me anymore? Whenever I talk and I glance at you, you're always looking forwards." To which Mackie replies; "they told me not to."
Also, one question they were asked is; "who could you see yourself hanging out with years from now." Automatically they pointed at each other and started cracking up.
Need more evidence? (Seriously? If you do you must be blind.)

During everyone of his solo interviews he mentions Mackie without being prompted or anything related to Mackie. He just talks about him and says that his voice is in his head when he does most interviews without him.
They have nicknames as well; "chocolatecheno" (I think that's how it's spelled) and "vanilla ice" They gave those nicknames to each other, also there's another set..."Mackattack""'Something' Sea Bass" I don't know how that started and I'm still trying to figure out who started calling the other by the name first.

Also, they revealed that they HAVE KARAOKE NIGHTS TOGETHER. I find this incredibly amusing...and also the fact that Mackie's favorite song to sing is "I like big butts and I cannot lie" which caused some giggles from the interviewer and Stan.
(I would laugh too honestly. I can see Falcon singing that for some reason, even though I only know the chorus...because of billboards and my mom.)

What more could you want?
If you seriously want more evidence, watch some of their interviews. I can't possibly put every single moment on here.

But, of course, the psycho EvanStan and Stucky...(good lord, sometimes I hate Pintrest...people are crazy shipping real people. 0-0) have to go on a rampant about their friendship. Take this rabid fan girl on the comment sections of YouTube...I censored some words and I changed the names to order to keep it private.
But I'm using this as a prime example.

I don't like Anthony cause he never lets Sebastian or anyone talk. I do like Anthony because he says the sweetest things about Sebastian. I'm conflicted.

2 weeks ago•4

+J I wasn't talking about alpha omega dynamics, I hate those fics with a vengeance! I just meant that CE comes across as very dominant/assertive and Sebastian tends to take a back seat in his presence. Nothing wrong with that.

5 days ago•

 +CB You know how offensive this sounds?? Stop putting them on a box, also this is not a alpha/omega fanfic, there's no alpha, or beta or whatever. Evans acts, the same way Sebatian and Mackie act: Joking around. All of them make a lot of jokes and act all excited like a bunch of puppies. "They look like husband and wife" They really ******* don't, there you go again with the labelling them and put Evans as the dominant/husband and Sebastian as submissive/wife (both are not connected in any way). But think before you say it, you clearly don't know Sebastian nor do you know Evans, neither I do and I don't pretend I do, but project fanfic traits on them to please you is very wrong. Legit the whole thing you said so far is stuff I read for years now that people say Bucky is: Submissive, waiting for Steve's orders. But Sebastian is not Bucky and Evans is not Steve. Their friendship is special and they should be respected as people and not be put in a box so careless like that.

1 week ago•2

+J I must admit I don't know much about CE and his 'softer' Disney side. I've only seen him in interaction with Sebastian and there CE always strikes me as extremely alpha with Sebastian his adoring pet. Of course I know Sebastian is nobody's pet. I'm just talking about the first thing that springs to mind when you see them together. I don't know why some people get upset about what I wrote, everybody's thinking it. When my mom saw a clip of them sitting together the first thing she said was 'they look like husband and wife'

1 week ago•

+CB Do you even read what you say before posting it? This is literally you projecting things into Sebastian, projecting he acts like he somehow is behind Evans and has to ask permission and wait for things and Evans is this version of super masculinity that doesn't exist. Chris talked how he loves Disney and disney princesses, how he cries easily, how his anxiety affects him and how he relies on people to it. Do you think about it? Because he isn't only this one thing, the big and hyper masculine type. He is sensible and so is Sebastian in his own way, he is caring and he likes to joke around and you're using it to try to make him out to be something he is not and you do not know him to say stuff like this and then throws the "it's 2016" while you're trying to put him in this one box, like he belongs there and only there. And you see him with Mackie, and he is funnier and dirtier and you're scandalized and you literally have a lot of comments trying to make their friendship that both clearly appreciates seem like is ugly and wrong. Stop projecting your fantasies on Sebastian, he is not the Fanfic!Bucky you're reading, he is a person that deserves more than someone in the internet put a label on him.

1 week ago•3

+CB you're insane. I didn't say anything about what he does is shameful. you're creating drama when he's laughing with Mackie. You're creating imaginary problems based on what you think you know. It's creepy.

1 week ago•2

+SNYC I DON'T think he's a wimp, but he's definitely a beta. And I find that soo refreshing compared to the testosterone volcano that is Chris Evans. It's 2016, views on masculinity have changed a bit. I think it's perfectly for a guy to be soft and sweet like Sebastian. Why do you think it's something shameful? And I don't think he's ashamed of it either,. Otherwise he wouldn't be making puppy faces all the time or pose with teddy bears in photo shoots. He knows what works for him and he's not trying to be like Chris and I love him for it.

1 week ago•

Um, no, only insane Sebastian fans like you "see" this kind of thing. I've never seen Mackie or Evans belittle or degrade Sebastian, but you sure are doing a good job of it. You just completely emasculated him, calling him a beta and wimp who can't stand up to others. With fans like you, he doesn't need any haters. 

1 week ago (edited)•2

+SNYC I'm not infantilising anyone. Fact is, Sebastian is about 100 times less assertive than Chris & Mackie and thus has a tendency to let them take over. I've seen a panel where Mackie barely let him get a word in and kept pulling faces when Seb finally got to answer a question. Me in his place I'd have elbowed him in the face but all Seb said was "Really? do you need the attention that badly?". And in Chris's presence Sebastian gets even more beta, even looking at him for permission to talk. Don't act like you haven't seen that. Everybody has.

1 week ago•

Both! Stop treating Sebastian like he's a helpless child AND stop treating Anthony like he's some bully that Sebastian can't check or ignore if wanted to. There's nothing on this video that indicates either one has a problem. You're projecting a problem onto their interactions based on what you think you know, but don't know Sebastian to be able to say what you said.

1 week ago•2

+CB You Stucky/Sebastian fans are ridiculous. You don't know this guy. He's a grown man, and he's very open and clear when he doesn't like something (see his comments on Snyder). You guys infantilize him and make him into this helpless man-child. It's insulting. He and Mackie obviously get along but you insist on projecting your ******** on your fandom ideas of who he is. It's so ******** creepy.

1 week ago•2

+SiSu I'm confused. Why does this upset you so? Is it Mackie you're defending or Sebastian?

2 weeks ago•

+CB That's just it, C.
Sebastian is NOT a lost puppy! And until he expresses concern with his relationship with Anthony or Chris, it's unfair for you to characterize them as being rude/mean to him in any capacity. You actually do not know any of them. You didn't film three movies with them. You didn't go on the press tour with them. You are inventing a crisis where one does not exist. Sebastian is not a lost puppy, he's a grown man who can handle himself. That is exactly the attitude that is annoying. And I know you'll just keep defending it, so let's end here, because you obviously can't see how you and the Sebastian/Bucky fandom trip way too hard over **** like this. 

2 weeks ago•3

+SiSu Yes, they're grown men who don't need our protection. But Sebastian does exude a certain vulnerability and Anthony or Chris absolutely don't. Nobody ever calls Anthony a 'lost puppy', do they? And with that comes of course the urge from his fans to be protective over him and for movie goers to sympathize with Bucky. And in real life I often got the impression Sebastian was treated like a Cinderella by the more famous/A-lister step sisters Chris and Anthony. He always had to sit in the back, was never allowed to talk and they even mocked his accent behind his back. So yeah, I'm sensitive!

2 weeks ago•1

+CB I don't think so. There are plenty of fandoms who don't disparage people or praise people dependent on what they imagine that person's relationship with their idol to be like. Also, considering Mackie and Stan should technically share a fandom (as part of the MCU and Team Cap), it's even more disheartening to see Bucky/Sebastian fans talk like this. Trust me, I know there are a lot of fans with questionable behaviors and attitudes in the MCU fandom in general. I've just had so much cringe at Bucky/Sebastian fans, lately. First, when there was so much hatred for Black Panther because he was fighting Bucky in that clip (and Bucky fans called it "abusive" of all things O_O.) I just think you guys don't realize that Sebastian Stan is a grown adult man, or that Bucky Barnes is a literal assassin who kicked the s*** out of Captain America in CA:TWS (admittedly because Cap wouldn't fight back, but still.) Neither of them need this kind of blind, ravenous protection. Plus, like, IDK, it's superhero content. You can't stan him (no pun intended) the way you would a pop star? He's supposed to get in fights? And Sebastian is a grown man with bro-y friends? So, of course they treat each other the way they do in this video? I'm not saying you have to like Anthony, but it's weird to qualify your opinion of him entirely based off of how you perceive his relationship with Sebastian. (Especially because they seem to be great friends, and that's kind of unfair to Sebastian, and to Anthony.) 

2 weeks ago•3

+SiSu Doesn't that apply to every fandom?
2 weeks ago•

+CB Not to be rude, but comments like this are why the Bucky/Sebastian fandom bothers me. It's like your whole opinion of Anthony is related to Sebastian, and I don't get that. I like Sebastian and I like Bucky, but both the character and the actor are grown men who don't need your help or protection.

2 weeks ago•8

On Another comment:

+J Just saw some new interviews of them together. They do seem to be getting along better now. I still had that Philly comic con panel on my mind where Sebastian couldn't get a word in.

4 days ago•

So thats the issue for this whole convo....making assumptions...Now one one side I do agree that Mackie is very talkative and at times is immature. I have seen interviews were he literally takes over the entire convo and no one gets to talk and for me that is annoying. I guess he is excited and doesn't realize that he is doing it but we should give him the benefit of the doubt. Plus he makes interviews a h**** lot more entertaining that the typical boring interviews that we see stars have. He is a breath of fresh air, a sentiment that most if not all of the cast mates have of him

4 days ago•

+CB It's hilarious how you pretend you don't get a joke, they banter and they ALL do it, the moment Sebastian tells Anthony he loves him you think he is being sarcastic but the moment they are all joking you take it seriously. Just admit you want Sebastian to hate Anthony, because the only thing I see is you going around posting a bunch of comments try to make their friendship seem like less. Sebastian himself said how his and Anthony's relationship has really come around, >>Sebastian<< talked about the good times they had. This is what happens when you work and spend a good amount of time with someone and they know each other for years. if you want to think Sebastian despises Anthony be my guest but won't ******* chance they have a great time together and Sebastian literally laughs all the time when he is with Anthony, you'd see that if you weren't playing blind so you can fool yourself thinking Sebastian has bad feelings towards Anthony. :)

5 days ago•

+CB wow, you're bat **** crazy.

5 days ago•1

+J I don't think they hate each other, but I did get the impression Sebastian was at times irritated by Mackie constantly putting himself on the foreground. But now that they're supposed to show the world how tight teamcap is, he has to bite his tongue. On a recent panel he got sarcastic "I know Anthony, it's not about you", but then he immediately corrected himself by hugging him.

5 days ago•

+ACG Really? Sorry, my mistake. I always assume that any banter from Sebastian is aimed at Mackie.

5 days ago•

+CB He was referring to Paul Rudd not Anthony

5 days ago•

+CB Is this supposed to mean anything? Are you going to continue to ignore Sebastian said Anthony is so special, and how he is a great energy to be around and how fun is to having him around??? Are you going to ignore how Sebastian obviously thinks of Anthony as a friend? Seriously why are you so pressed about them being friends? What is wrong with it?? If you don't like Mackie is one thing, but because you hate him doesn't mean Sebastian does because he clearly likes him and his company.

1 week ago•2

+J "We tried to swap Anthony for Black Widow" Quote from Sebastian in 2016 Jimmy Kimmel.

1 week ago•

+CB Girl, you're so ******* pathetic going around trying to prove Sebastian hates Anthony and quoting shit from 2014 when they barely knew each other, do you know what a JOKE is? Sebastian joked about not liking him but he talked how he has a good time with Mackie and he is a good person to be around and how special he is. Get the **** away with your rude ****.

1 week ago•3

+R "I'm so glad we didn't have any scenes together" Quote from Sebastian in a 2014 comic con panel.

1 week ago•

Yeah...lovely huh?

So, this was my bromance post. If you still don't believe me, check out these pictures and video!. (Which the ice bucket challenge was hilarious and the fact they had plush toys of themselves made it all the more funnier)
Now, if you'll excuse me I'm going to go reevaluate my life.

Sunday, May 8, 2016


Cap in Civil War? Grade A jerk.

Oh Captain...the one with a mighty shield, that none can oppose. Unless your a plane or some ice or a brainwashed buddy with a robotic arm, they don't usually yield when he throws his shield.
Ok, jokes aside. CAP WAS A JERK IN THIS MOVIE! For this post I'll be comparing him to an anti-social, possibly traumatized, formerly cold and heartless, wow-this-is-a-long-description: Bucky Barnes
I love the movie, don't get me wrong. I think it's the best movie ever! And I recently watched CATWS a couple times and borrowed Hydra's device (kidding...I wouldn't really do that) to get AoU outta my head so I had very high expectations!
And the Russo Bros delivered! 
The romance was well played! The friendship and banter between...two people. Uh, forgot to do this. *activates sirens*


(Unless you don't want to wait until December because you weren't able to get to the movie theaters...if so, read on my friend. I will be spoiling a bit of the movie though. Sorry. Ready? Here's the space so you may turn back now!)

Ok...time to pass the time....
Let's see if I can remember all of that theme song that used to play on my brother's tv show....

Dum Dee Dee dum dum Dee Dee dum dum, dum, dum dum dum. DUUUUN!

Our worlds about to break! Tomented and attacked! Lost from when we wake! With no way to go back! I...uh...have a giant home! I live all alone!
Ok...I'm bored. Have some pictures.

you're still here? Okay, let's begin.

Soooo; the first instance of Steve being a jerk is...Bucharest. This may be a bit weird for me to say this is when, while he was just warning Bucky, but hear me out.
We see Bucky having a pretty good life; selling or buying plums(?). (On a random note, I wanted plums after seeing this movie. They looked like the ones we used to have! :9 What? Those are the only kind of plums I like!)
He's laughing and talking and is about to head back (with no plums. So he makes a living by selling them? I can see that. He's enjoying his job at least. Well, who wouldn't? Those are the best plums! *chucks shield at my head* Tony: STOP TALKING ABOUT PLUMS! Me: Geez! Ok! You're a jerk too! One of the biggest ones!)
Of course he notices some guy staring at him. (who kinda looks like he's on something. He's also pretty skinny. I bet he could use some pl-! *gets hit with shield again* OKAY! I'M OVER THE PLUMS! How about we, what do call it? order a pizza instead? XD)
Then after looking at paper like; "that ain't me" we cut to Steve who...broke into Bucky's apartment and is going through HIS LIVING AREA AND PERSONAL DIARY.
Ok...I took crime scene at my homeschool classes, and it specifically stated that he would need a search warrant! Just sayin'!
Then we see Bucky looking pretty ticked, but quickly dissolves into a neutral and wary stance. He then obviously implies after Steve warns him that he has a way out and can do it but Steve, oh you jerk, Steve STOPS AND FIGHTS HIM.
His best friend who is fleeing from people ordered to shoot on site, he fights. And Bucky acts like a feral animal who needs to survive. And when T'Challa jumps on the car....
Seriously. Don't be selfish and keep chasing your friend; who possibly was better off without you buggin him.

Next up its the airport fight. Scott says he knows how to hold them off and says it could rip him in half. Now, let's see here. Scott is willing to sacrifice his life, so these two can escape.
How does Cap react?
He doesn't.
In fact; we see Bucky asking with obvious concern and fear "he's gonna tear himself in half?!" and Cap....
Yes; his friends; okay...maybe he's not close to Scott, are willing to give themselves up...their lives, everything...for these two and Cap barely bats an eye! Which leads me to the third example.

On the jet is where we have a pivotal example. Bucky asks; "What's gonna happen to your friends."
This guy is concerned for people he barely knows. And Steve...barely shows any remorse or concern when he replies: "I don't know."

So! What did you think of my list? Was I misjudging Cap? Or was he being, like I called him, a class-A jerk?~Winter