Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Hm...what important thing should I talk about today....? (AKA "Oh Captain, my Captain!")

"What about Cap? He's basically the only Team Cap member you HAVEN'T ranted about!"

"Holy cow...they're right! Onwards! To a post about...."


Captain America, to be precise.

We all know him, Steve Rogers; the guy who hates bullies and wonders where this world is headed.
And then there's Cap...the larger than life superhero that people aspire to be.

But what I told you...there was a dark secret behind Captain America...something so dark history has tried to cover it up for generations?
Yes my friends....Captain America is not as virtuous as we thought....

Did I get your attention yet? Good, because this has nothing to do with what I just said.



Yeah...I'm a troll. XD

This is actually about how Rogers is losing faith in humanity.

Every single movie we see him in, you see his process. Shall I go over it?


Captain America: The First Avenger


This is Steve at his best. He's light hearted, happy. You see him rather dismal at the beginning because he wants to do more. Also getting beat up and thrown into a wall isn't that great either. But then we cut to him and Bucky going through a fair grounds. Once the word, "Date" is mentioned he goes back into moping mode because every girl hates this kid for some reason.
We then see him slip away causing Bucky to have an inward meltdown. I'm wondering how many stress breakouts Bucky got, because whatever face wash he's using really works.  
Up next, we have Steve looking longingly at a poster and the argument is over heard by a scientist. (Why is no one questioning this guy who stops and stares at two kids?)
Once getting Captain America-fied and used as a show monkey (And he mopes for a good half or more of the movie) we see him happy to be in action again. This is his peak points.
A hot girl's interested in him, he gets to go on adventures with his best friend, and he's not sick!
Of course, Bucky had to be an idiot and stand too close to a hole in the side of the car!
We then get this scene which in 2014 became heartbreaking for the world, where we have Bucky dangling off the side of the train and efficiently giving me night mares for weeks. Thanks a lot.
Then Steve is moping again, and is doing so for most of the remainder of the movie.
But we also then have his sacrifice, he gave up the girl who actually loved him for who he was and after heartfelt goodbyes that have caused the fandom to go into feels attack for the last five years crashed into the artic. And this ends the happy period of his life.
How is it happy when he's always moping? Well, he may have been a little raincloud, but his manner during the times that weren't brought by grief or anger at an inability, he was all smiles. Look at him at boot camp! He was happy to be there!



The Avengers


When we first see him, he's suffering from PTSD. Lovely way to start his story. I'm serious! They're being realistic! He's also extremely annoyed when Fury bugs him. Plus slaughtering the punching bags. Yay! Die Nazi scumBAGS! Ah, ah! Get it?
Then he meets...Tony later on in the movie and the two butt heads.
So the intense rivalry begins!
Throughout the movie you see him questioning lots of things S.H.I.E.L.D well as Stark's actions. At the end we see him in a Shawarma shop looking worn down...and nearly hopeless.
Now, as of 2014, fans have speculated that he's thinking of Bucky.
Yeeeah...just cause the guy's your recent obsession doesn't mean Steve's thinking about him every second. No offense to everyone, I am being harsh with the fans of Bucky...he's one of my favorite characters and comes very close to being my all-time favorite...but it's been that way since I watched the First that's why it bugs me.
Alright! Apology's out of the way! Let's move on!
Steve is more than likely trying to comprehend what just happened...and wondering what the world has come to. 


Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Potential future love interest?
Alright! We have the basic structure from CATF implemented into this one! So...what's different? Well...lot's! Specifically, more of Cap's annoyance. He's happy when he find out it's Hydra he's up against, but pretty ticked that they're still alive.
We have his excitement that Bucky's alive, yet fear he'll be unreachable.
And also...we have his doneness!
Yes, Steve Rogers is done right now. His entire reaction to what's going on in S.H.I.E.L.D is complete and utter hate.
He knows it's wrong and doesn't approve. Fury takes this to heart only for some lead to enter his later.
Oh don't worry! He doesn't die!
Did you seriously think he did?

Avengers: Age of Ultron

Just watch the movie and it'll make sense....
Roughly, Tony acts stupid. Steve can't comprehend how dumb someone can be when he builds a super-bot to monitor and protect the world right after the events of TWS.

Captain America: Civil War

This seems to be the final step.
Steve's had it and is now wanted by the government.
He's going to go against the law, against The Avengers, against AMERICA...because he knows it's wrong. Their friends, families and lives will be put in constant danger.
And Cap won't have it.
He's willing to move mountains in order to keep loved ones safe.
And here we have 100,000,000,000% done Steve Rogers.

Alright! That's all I've gotta say!~Winter


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