Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Hm...what important thing should I talk about today....? (AKA "Oh Captain, my Captain!")

"What about Cap? He's basically the only Team Cap member you HAVEN'T ranted about!"

"Holy cow...they're right! Onwards! To a post about...."


Captain America, to be precise.

We all know him, Steve Rogers; the guy who hates bullies and wonders where this world is headed.
And then there's Cap...the larger than life superhero that people aspire to be.

But what I told you...there was a dark secret behind Captain America...something so dark history has tried to cover it up for generations?
Yes my friends....Captain America is not as virtuous as we thought....

Did I get your attention yet? Good, because this has nothing to do with what I just said.



Yeah...I'm a troll. XD

This is actually about how Rogers is losing faith in humanity.

Every single movie we see him in, you see his process. Shall I go over it?


Captain America: The First Avenger


This is Steve at his best. He's light hearted, happy. You see him rather dismal at the beginning because he wants to do more. Also getting beat up and thrown into a wall isn't that great either. But then we cut to him and Bucky going through a fair grounds. Once the word, "Date" is mentioned he goes back into moping mode because every girl hates this kid for some reason.
We then see him slip away causing Bucky to have an inward meltdown. I'm wondering how many stress breakouts Bucky got, because whatever face wash he's using really works.  
Up next, we have Steve looking longingly at a poster and the argument is over heard by a scientist. (Why is no one questioning this guy who stops and stares at two kids?)
Once getting Captain America-fied and used as a show monkey (And he mopes for a good half or more of the movie) we see him happy to be in action again. This is his peak points.
A hot girl's interested in him, he gets to go on adventures with his best friend, and he's not sick!
Of course, Bucky had to be an idiot and stand too close to a hole in the side of the car!
We then get this scene which in 2014 became heartbreaking for the world, where we have Bucky dangling off the side of the train and efficiently giving me night mares for weeks. Thanks a lot.
Then Steve is moping again, and is doing so for most of the remainder of the movie.
But we also then have his sacrifice, he gave up the girl who actually loved him for who he was and after heartfelt goodbyes that have caused the fandom to go into feels attack for the last five years crashed into the artic. And this ends the happy period of his life.
How is it happy when he's always moping? Well, he may have been a little raincloud, but his manner during the times that weren't brought by grief or anger at an inability, he was all smiles. Look at him at boot camp! He was happy to be there!



The Avengers


When we first see him, he's suffering from PTSD. Lovely way to start his story. I'm serious! They're being realistic! He's also extremely annoyed when Fury bugs him. Plus slaughtering the punching bags. Yay! Die Nazi scumBAGS! Ah, ah! Get it?
Then he meets...Tony later on in the movie and the two butt heads.
So the intense rivalry begins!
Throughout the movie you see him questioning lots of things S.H.I.E.L.D well as Stark's actions. At the end we see him in a Shawarma shop looking worn down...and nearly hopeless.
Now, as of 2014, fans have speculated that he's thinking of Bucky.
Yeeeah...just cause the guy's your recent obsession doesn't mean Steve's thinking about him every second. No offense to everyone, I am being harsh with the fans of Bucky...he's one of my favorite characters and comes very close to being my all-time favorite...but it's been that way since I watched the First that's why it bugs me.
Alright! Apology's out of the way! Let's move on!
Steve is more than likely trying to comprehend what just happened...and wondering what the world has come to. 


Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Potential future love interest?
Alright! We have the basic structure from CATF implemented into this one! So...what's different? Well...lot's! Specifically, more of Cap's annoyance. He's happy when he find out it's Hydra he's up against, but pretty ticked that they're still alive.
We have his excitement that Bucky's alive, yet fear he'll be unreachable.
And also...we have his doneness!
Yes, Steve Rogers is done right now. His entire reaction to what's going on in S.H.I.E.L.D is complete and utter hate.
He knows it's wrong and doesn't approve. Fury takes this to heart only for some lead to enter his later.
Oh don't worry! He doesn't die!
Did you seriously think he did?

Avengers: Age of Ultron

Just watch the movie and it'll make sense....
Roughly, Tony acts stupid. Steve can't comprehend how dumb someone can be when he builds a super-bot to monitor and protect the world right after the events of TWS.

Captain America: Civil War

This seems to be the final step.
Steve's had it and is now wanted by the government.
He's going to go against the law, against The Avengers, against AMERICA...because he knows it's wrong. Their friends, families and lives will be put in constant danger.
And Cap won't have it.
He's willing to move mountains in order to keep loved ones safe.
And here we have 100,000,000,000% done Steve Rogers.

Alright! That's all I've gotta say!~Winter


Monday, April 18, 2016

Time For Another Leading Lady Of Civil War!

Sharon Carter! ^-^

*gets booed and screamed at with a barrage of tomatoes flying in my direction* Ok! Ok! ENOUGH! *grabs Cap's shield and bangs a concrete block against it.*(What? Couldn't think of anything else I could use as a battering ram!) Seriously guys...why is this a bad thing-?!




Honestly, I don't see the problem. Time to address these subjects one by one. Only my opinion guys. Don't take me too seriously. Unless you want to? ^-^

Alright, that bugs me the most: "She's being shoved down our throats and making moves on Steve."
No, she's not. She was introduced very subtly by talking with her aunt (cough!Peggy!cough!) and going to do laundry. She hardly takes notice of Steve walking by and he just kinda stands and stares in front of his room.
In other words...

Joking aside, Steve waits until SHE notices him with a quizzical look. They obviously have talked before because they're on friendly terms. She answers the question she can see he wants to ask and he offers for her to use his washing machines.
She politely declines in a way that won't offend him and he gets it and backs off. She then gives him a tiny bit of chance by saying "well, hopefully not too far." 
He takes this with a smile and is a relatively good mood until she mentions his stereo being on. Then his face goes into: "Aw, crud. My bill!" or "Hm? Suspicious..." It's hard to tell.
Later on she's shown subtly in the background when Pierce is talking and she questions them. Rather bold and Peggyish if you ask me!
Then we see her kickin' butt and taking Rumlow down! Ha! Take that ya boney butt! Ahem...sorry, A reference to Cross Bones.
Then she reveals she's an expert shooter when she joins the CIA. She doesn't have a lot of time in this movie, and yet can you still say they're shoving her down our throats? Even Bucky had more lines than her! (If you count the grunting and the flashback. THE FLASHBACK COUNTS! QUIT SAYING HE ONLY HAD FIVE LINES!)

No.2: Shipping Problems.
Let me sing you the song of the fandoms. Ahem.
C'mon everybody! Ship ship ship! Doesn't matter if it's cannon or not! C'mon everybody! Ship ship ship! Doesn't matter if it's cannon or not! All you really need! Is two people who share a smile! Then make them in love as can beeee! C'mon everybody ship! Ship! Shiiiip! Come on and ship! Come on and ship!
Alright. That's enough. But seriously. Out of all these ships I mentioned...the only ones cannon in the comics is a hinted Steggy! Not many people know is that in the originals she was a side character who showed an interest in Cap and he liked her as well. But that was around the end of his adventures and she didn't have the large role the movie gave her.
So out of all the ships mentioned in this post, guess the cannon one?
The one everyone hates.
Yep, if these movies follow comic cannon, (which they should, seeing how AoU was a bust.) it's more than likely they'll get Steve together with 
They also go and get that coffee.
But, the amazing part is that they have a cute relationship. They go to the beach at one part and Steve slowly becomes more comfortable with talking with women.
They also had a good dynamic and chemistry-they would both have the others back, which was impressive. But, Cross Bones (DIE FOOL! DIE!) shot Steve letting a brainwashed Sharon shoot him and seemingly kill him.
Then we had the ending of Fury standing by in horror as Steve dies is Sharon's arms. And then comes the "Who gets the shield"

Guess who was considered...0-0
Jokes aside...(seriously though, this dork was considered! ^-^) I believe Sharon Carter is a strong female worthy of the name Carter (well we can see Steve's type now...amirite? XD) and the main reason she's getting this uncalled for hate is because of enraged shippers.
This has been Winter, counting down the days until Civil War!

Clintasha fans, don't give up!

Civil War is "Civil"erely scaring me! (Pun pun pun pun pun! XD)

Alright fans! Everyone is spazzing out over Steve Rogers' possibly upcoming death. (By the way, I heard in my news that Bucky has been suited for the Captain America uniform. Also the mash-ups have a new Cap!Bucky. Just so ya know!) we seem to forget a titanic waiting to be risen again.


Hello, my fellow fans who were ready to destroy the evil one who corrupted Natasha and sunk one the most beautiful ship of all time: Clintasha.
With a family in there "just to cement that it's not happening" which, is sadly forgotten, that they blew up.
You're welcome.
Anyhow, that aside, given that Barton's back in the fray since he "retired" at the end of AoU which means something made him get back in.
A little "family matter" perhaps? Baron Zemo anyone?

Alright, time to cut to the chase. The latest trailer has Natasha saying to Barnes (good Lord, does she have a thing for B's if this goes where I hope it's not going?) "don't you remember me?"
After, y'know, getting hit in the fork of the legs, Bucky's face is obviously contorted and looking like; "I am in severe pain right now! Don't you pull that memory junk on me!" But that aside it brought Clintasha fans (or rabid Bucky fan girls...yikes. 0-0 yeah, he does need to be protected....FROM THEM.) into a "OH NO" state again...myself included.

But I honestly think it means nothing.

Let me get one thing straight, I have no problems with WinterWidow...I just like Clintasha better. If they were to start a relationship I would harbor little resentments and support it.
(Uh oh....what's that? Duck! A storm of Black Widow cosplayers! Hey, hey, hey! I did it before it was cool! AKA: me when the Bucky fan girls see him get into a relationship with Nat. <seriously Russo Bros, please don't!>)

Ok, to back up my argument. In a behind the scenes footage we see Cap and Bucky run up to Natasha and get ready to confront her. She says something that causes them to be agitated and we see BUCKY drop into a fighting stance. Steve follows suit, but cautions him causing Bucky to glance at him with kind of a "whatever" look.

Anymore proof needed? Before AoU, Sebastian Stan (I had to find out who acted everyone to do this blog, I hope you're happy!) had expressed no preferences to being paired with Natasha, he nearly avoided the subject all together. Oddly enough, after afore mentioned horrible movie came out he started saying that, "he'd be okay with it." And "it could be interesting." Coincidence? I think not.
Why? After Bruce and Natasha were thrust together with no build up, would he suddenly be showing interest? Is it because of Brutasha in general?
It caused lots of actors (See: Anthony Mackie. "I've got wings, I'm in the military, and she chooses the Hulk?!" <roughly his comment>) to go into a slight backlash. Causing Renner, JEREMY RENNER. Scarlett Johansonn's coactor, the one she did interviews and had so much chemistry with. The one who had nothing but praise for her and Black Widow, to call Natasha a terrible thing.
Even Chris Evans, who also shared same sentiments, had agreed.
Right after Age Of Ultron.

Is this all "coincidental?" Or are the recent comments of Sebastian Stan just him trying to divert the wave of Brutasha? (Boy, you are lucky Whendon ain't in charge anymore because he'd haul you away so fast you'd be seeing Stars and Stripes.)

Quite personally, my breath is held for Clintasha...because it brought the best out of her. However, her performance in The Winter Soldier was extraordinary too....but that may not count given that she had about 2 minutes of screen time with Bucky.

So what do you think? Will Natasha be there for Clint if anything happens to his family? Will they keep the best friends thing going for a couple movies and then start dating? Or will all that chemistry be put to waste as she gets together with Bucky, who she could possibly have good chemistry with? I'd  love to know!

Side note! Despite how everyone calls it a "love story" between Cap and's not. Given how BUCKY'S ACTOR HIMSELF puts a ton of emphasis on FAMILY every time he's talking about the relationship. Also he has said multiple times that they are "more brothers than anything else." So, yeah.
THE MORE YOU KNOW!   .•*\^-^/*•.

Double side note! Because reasons! I loved the part when Scott Lang was fanboying so hard! That was so funny and could possibly give Coulson a run for his money (or trading cards! ;))
Plus...did anyone see the awesome car in the background? (GET OFF BUCKY! YOUR METAL ARM WILL SCRATCH THE PAINT!) But in hindsight, driving an old timey car when trying to hide may it be a good idea.
"KSSHT! You have your orders men! Bring Captain America and his band of renegades in! You can't miss em'! They're driving something about as old as Cap! KSSHT!"
Yeah...could be problems. But still, the car is cool! (Thank you Sam Wilson for making me notice it.
<What? I wanted to see his facial expression when Scott entered! And I got sidetracked like this:
"Ha! I wanna see how you react to the guy who whooped your-OOH! That's a cool car! It's old-fashioned! Why is that geezer leaning on it? HE HAS A METAL ARM. Get off! Down! Doown...don't you dare scratch the paint! Down! Down boy! <XD it's funny because Steve told him to drop the chip in TWS like one tells a puppy to drop a shoe...or whatever they've taken. :/ What? It's true...>)