Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Pull a Bucky and take a chill!

So...have you ever had a crush on someone and every time you saw him with another girl you just felt so jealous, so you talked bad about her and dissed the relationship?

I haven't either.
Romance just isn't my thing guys.
SHIPPING however!
Alright, alright...chilling. But this isn't about ships.
This is about a certain person who plays a certain fan favorite with a giant pension surrounding their character.

Haley Atwell. (HA! You probably thought I'd say Sebastian Stan!)

Well it seems that someone is a bit butthurt about Cap getting a new lady love. Who had an adorable introduction in CATWS I might add.

Let's see who in the cast ships it....Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olson, Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie! (Probably because he's free for Widow...because Mackie.) 
Evidence of why? Let's talk this video riiiiiight here.
You really can't go wrong with ChocolateCheno and Vanilla Ice helping you out in an awkward situation.

Ok! They think Agent 13 (Sharon Carter for those who payed NO attention) will show him the ropes!
And also a bunch of other stuff I won't write down because...there is a reason why I put this video up and me telling you the exact same thing is boring.

Anyhow, Haley Attwell thinks it's wrong and like incest....
Um, excuse me?
Her and Steve weren't even an item, they just showed interest in each other until the end of the movie!
Also, I don't believe she knows what incest is. That would be Steve and Bucky, since they are like brothers. Peggy and Steve were never married, they never fondued and furthermore, they didn't even go on a date. (Well, it's never shown anyways. But if you use that as an argument, you're a hippocrite because that exact thing could have happened with Sharon!)

So Haley (not like she'll read this...but oh well!), most of the cast ships it...I believe you're just butthurt because, *looks through Pintrest to see what everyone calls Chris Evans*, no longer get that, ick, beefy hunk of manliness with the perfect smile...eyugh...and fluffy hair. (*leaves to go vomit* I'm ok...I'm ok...) So what you gonna do about it Attwell?

Now, quit crying because I'm sick of hearing you complain about it...and once I get gifs on here it'll be 12% cooler...

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