Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Admantium V.S Vibranium. (It probably would be a more interesting movie than Batman V.S Superman.)

Hello hello everyone! I know I said I would update more and then proceeded to be dead....but I'm back-ish!

And I want to address the question that has plagued the Marvel fandom for generations....

Which is stronger? Vibranium or Admantium?

I knew of this argument for the longest while now, but thought nothing of it, to be honest...I thought it was kinda stupid.
That is until a friend asked me the question and made me think, because I wanted to answer it for him...I dunno, I'm weird. 
Anyhow! I looked back on my Marvel Movie watching experience because I decided to stay within the MCU because the comics are all over the place. (And we shall never bring up The Ultimates. Ever.)
Now, onto my analogy!

First, we're going to look at the instances where Captain America's shield was compromised. Both take place in Civil War, so spoilers I guess? When Black Panther attacks the Cap, it only takes a minimal amount of effort to mark his shield via his Vibranium claws. Then later on during the fight again T-Stark, Steve shoves his shield into the Arc Reactor, which I'm going to add, isn't up to full power and is stuttering because of the severe butt whooping it got. The result is the side of the shield folding in and melting.
Now for Wolverine, the only time (but who knows what Logan might bring) his claws have been cut or broken is in The Wolverine, it was an Admantium robot that had to have a very high heat ratio to even begin to cut his claws.

My conclusion?

Admantium is easily stronger than Vibranium. I would have fancy explanatory stuff right here, but it's all in the above. So...not gonna waste your time any longer.

*insert witty catchphrase here*