Saturday, March 19, 2016


A post on Bucky Barnes, giving the fact Civil War is fast approaching and I've talked about various members...all I can say is..

I'm here to address a problem concerning the favorite Hydra assassin of the MCU, Bucky Barnes.
Or, more specifically, his fanbase. I've been in the Avengers fandom for about...2 years now, and even I realize this. There is nothing about Bucky past 2014.
From fan fictions to fan art, finding Bucky Barnes before CATWS is near impossible.
This caught my attention when we were watching CATWS with some friends. One of them, let's refer to her as AN, had heard me talk about Bucky exclusively from the CATF (because I don't like spoiling it for people.) and payed no attention.
In the first movie he was one of my favorite characters because he had a witty personality and just was very down to earth. I was pretty bummed out that he died but the feeling was short-lived when my mom spoiled it. (Thanks mom. -_-)
AN never said anything about this and never had the slightest interest in Bucky Barnes before we watched CATWS and I slightly, I was kinda absorbed in the film, noticed her peaking interest.
It was the brainwash scene that opened my eyes. We all know the scene when it was...augh, that's hard to explain...I really don't want to use a gif but...

Ugh...I hate myself....and my inability to explain this scene, can I borrow that mind wiping machine after you guys?

Yeah, this part. At this she said, (I'm not allowed to say it so let's do something close to it!) "Beeeaavers!" (We all know what beavers make right? Good. Juuuust checking.) Yeah. The shirtless scene which I scienced a bit. My sister was wondering why they had to take his shirt off and I replied because it could conduct the electricity and send it to the heart and vital organs possibly killing him.
During my few moments of being Tony Stark I saw out of the corner of my eye that AN was enjoying it waaaaay too much. Also, usually when a girl says "beaver" like usually means, for lack of better term, that they think someone is hot.
And see? This is the problem I have! Every single feminist out there always gets annoyed whenever anyone objectify women, but seriously? When you pay no attention to the male character in the first movie, but in the second one where his looks are wildly changed, that's objectifying the men! And is there any outrage about it? (Other than me) No!
In the MCU Bucky is the only one I've seen to undergo extreme changes in his physical appearance...and the only one the net was like "meh" with originally and then exploded afterwards.
I'd actually bet if I could go back in time and Google him in 2012 there would be second to nothing. Maybe some promotional pictures but that'd possibly be it.
This is just a rant about how much I hate how people do that basically...I'm not saying any of you are like the described above...I'm just stating what happened.

Note: I'm not annoyed at anyone who is just finding him aesthetically pleasing, just please don't go claiming how. "Oh! I've always adored him." when, I bet, if I asked you about him in 2012 you'd probably not say that.