Sunday, November 29, 2015

Hawkeye's life story: "Where am I?"

Hawkeye, rarely seen in the trailers. Barely featured in the movies.
The best the guy gets is a couple of corny one-liners and precious minutes of screen time.
The lack of Hawkeye has the fans crying out for a Budapest movie.
So why not Marvel?
Make it happen!
It looks as if he'll get a bigger role in CACW but only time can tell.
His appearances in AOA didn't have a lot of depth in them, unless you count the part when Quicksilver dies. (Hopefully not!)
And he was scheduled the have a big role in CATWS as a loyal S.H.I.E.L.D agent being sent to kill Cap. But he tricked Hydra instead.
Sadly, it could not be done given Jeremy Renners acting schedule.

So Hawkeye will more than likely be getting more and more screen time hopefully. Especially given the arrival of his family. In the comics the Barton family was blown up so if that happens in the MCU it will mean that Clint Barton will probably get a lot of focus during his grief. 

Civil War Trailer is out!

We've all heard of the new movie scheduled of 2016...The Civil War!
Iron Man and Captain America go toe to toe in Phase Three.
The teams consist of Hawkeye, Bucky Barnes, Falcon, The Scarlet Witch and Ant Man for Team Cap. On the other side we have Black Widow, War Machine, Vision and The Black Panther.
Which side will you root for?

On a random note...FALCON! Yay! More spotlight for our favorite flying hero! (Ok, my favorite.)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Sunshine And The Winter Soldier Finale!

Frozen Fans Turn Back NOW! Trust Me.

"Let it goooooo! Let it go! And I'll rise like the break of-!" "EEEAAAUUUGH!!!!!" Sunshine screamed getting extremely sick of Elsa right now. That stupid song was stuck in the pink haired girl's head and. It. Would. Not. Get. Out!
Her dad was at work and her mom had taken her brother to the park. There was a movie that she was going to skidoo into for the third time. She went downstairs and loaded the movie and flipped through scene selection. The part where he dragged Cap up onto the beach.

"Hey Bucky!" Sunshine grinned as she popped into the assassin's view while he walked away.
"Hm, you again."
"Eeyup! Me! Can I ask you a favor? And if you want any coffee?"
Bucky looked unsurprised "You want me to kill someone again, don't you?" "Was it that obvious? Well, you're right. Yeah...and if you want coffee!" The former Winter Soldier sighed. "Fine. Let's skidoodle or something." "That' the spirit!" Sunshine cheered and attempted to link arms with the taller man. "Let's skidoooooooo!"

They landed in the living room and Sunshine snapped her fingers. "Coffee first, killing later!" she was about to bounce into the kitchen when someone appeared in the entrance "Hey Sunshine! Mom's not back yet soooo...." the blue haired girl trailed off when she noticed the beat up former Winter Soldier standing in the living room.
"Uh, Winter! I can explain!" Sunshine waved her arms frantically. "So, who are you killing now?" Winter asked.
"Whoops, you know?"
"When Bruce dies suspiciously in the beginning I can pretty much tell what's going on."
"Oh." Sunshine looked guiltily at Bucky. "I'm leaving, don't worry. There's coffee on the counter. Have fun eliminating your next victim." Winter said with a dismissal gesture.

Once coffee time was over Sunshine loaded the movie Frozen, she didn't need to change the scene because she planned to kill them when they were kids. Up first. Kristoff.
Innocent Kristoff...Helping his father harvest ice. He never saw it coming. With a shot echoing and ripping apart the singing, little Kristoff lay dead. Blood blossoming upon the ice.
Target eliminated. Next, Elsa and Anna. Time to skidoo into their scene.
 Anna was trying to get her sister to play with her. Elsa finally sat bolt upright when a sharp crack filled the room "Anna?!" Anna was sent into an eternal sleep, crimson staining her gown. Elsa turned to face the one who did this to her sister and let out a gasp of horror.
Her fear was short lived as another shot rang out and the ice princess' life was ended.

"You did it! You diiid it! Best. Assassin. Ever!" Sunshine danced on her toes back on the beach where she was returning him to. Bucky smiled at her contagious enthusiasm. "Well! Be seeing you!" Sunshine quipped and skidoo'd back into her world and the former Winter Soldier left the unconscious Captain America stranded.

Well, that settles the Sunshine arc! Sorry, went crazy with gifs.Unless anyone wants more, not just killing but the characters like Sunshine and Winter in the Avengers Universe. I enjoyed writing this! It was lot's of fun! Shout out to for this idea!~Winter
One last gif for fun! Die car! Die!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Sunshine and The Winter Soldier Part Two

"Ugh...I haaaaate the Hulk...." Sunshine groaned hanging upside down on her bed. Neon pink hair being batted at by a calico. Her brother was downstairs watching The Amazing Spider Man. The one where he meets Hulk? Yep, that one. 
She listened to the roars with agitation. Ever since Age Of Ultron she never saw that guy the same way again. Seriously. It scarred her.
 Sunshine was watching The Lego Movie on her kindle, why? "Because everything is awesome...NOT!" she muttered darkly until a sly smirk crept up her face. She changed the movie to CATWS and skidoo'd once more...into the scene with the Director of Hydra.

"Hey ugly! Need to borrow this guy, 'kay? Oh! And Hail Hydra!" the director blinked in confusion. When did he hire her? Was he drunk that day or something? Right when they skidoo'd his maid entered the room...she was startled and we all know what happened then. But we're focusing on the wrong death here. Back to Sunshine and Bucky.

"Alrighty then! This here is my room! Do not touch anything!" Sunshine informed the Winter Soldier when he was eyeing her Equestria Girl dolls with a weirded out expression.
"Why do you have plastic humans?"
"They're dolls, and I love to collect anything My Little Pony!"
"I am not little, and I'm not a pony. Nor am I yours."
"Dude! You haven't heard of MLP?? Shoulda figured that...I'll educate you later, right now-!"
Sunshine's master plan was cut off by a growl from her stomach. "Whoops. Forgot breakfast. Hide under my bed. I'll bring you something." The Winter Soldier looked at the rather narrow gap incredulously.
"You expect me to fit under that?" "Hey, any cookie is bite sized if you try hard enough." Sunshine grinned "How is that relevant to now?"  The Winter Soldier's eye twitched slightly "I dunno, make yourself 'bite sized' and squeeze under the bed? Just give it a shot." Sunshine explained "Oh! Just don't get stuck!" The Winter Soldier merely grunted seeing as he was almost all the way under the bed...except for his metal arm.
"...Oh poo." Sunshine muttered as she tried to get it under by kicking it. A couple loud clangs resonated in the air before someone knocked on the door. "What are you doing?" Sunshine opened the door a crack to see a girl with midnight blue hair looking at her suspiciously. "Oh! Hey Winter! know...renovation." Winter shrugged "Well, mom just wanted to know."
As she left Sunshine sighed in relief. Then turned to see that the Winter Soldier's arm had disappeared beneath the bed. "Why you little troll." she grumbled and left for downstairs holding a cream colored Chihuahua in her arms.

"Hey mom! I'm eating upstairs today ok?" "Alright then!...that's a lot of food." Sunshine's mom said staring at the English muffins, bagels and coffee. "Uh...just, um...really hungry! Yeah...bye!" Sunshine was about to head back to her room when she heard a familiar voice on the TV, her brother was now on a different episode it seemed...
She snuck around the corner to see...a shirtless Nick Fury!
Sunshine gagged and ran up to her room. The Winter Soldier struggled out from under her bed coughing slightly. "I...never...want to see that again!" Sunshine gasped and tossed the clueless Bucky a muffin. "Chow down!" she chirped, apparently over her ordeal.
Once they were done eating she wiped away the crumbs, "Alrighty! Let's skidoo!" they jumped into the scene in Age Of Ultron when he was showing the twins around his workplace.

"Ultron! My man!" Sunshine cheered giving the robot a fist bump. "Wassup?" "Oh, nothing much. Just planning a device to destroy the world and the Avengers." "Oh..." Sunshine looked uncomfortable at that. "Pietro! Wanda!" she exclaimed turning to the two who greeted her with the same warmth.
"Ult. I'm gonna need some Vibranium. I'm pretty sure it could take down the Hulk...and I'll need this chemical." Sunshine relayed her need for it. "Because it's...uh, easier to stop the Avengie's with Hulk not on the team!" Ultron heartedly agreed and ordered his army to make bullets from the metal. The Winter Soldier stood by looking rather unnerved by all the controlled chaos.
Once Ultron had finished the bullets and bade them farewell they skidoo's back into Sunshine's room and she switched the scene. To right after Natasha had calmed him down. "Let's go." The Winter Soldier loaded the gun and nodded.

Bruce was lying on the ground staring at his hand. "Hasta la bye bye." he heard a girl whisper before implanting a syringe into his back holding something that seemed to prevent him from turning into the Hulk.
Next thing he knew his back was burning with pain and a wave of black washed over his vision. Bruce Banner was no more.

A couple minutes later Sunshine was returning The Winter Soldier to the scene she took him from. The Director jumped up with a rather girly screech before he realized who it was. ", thank you for returning him agent..." "Actually I'm not an agent." Sunshine cut in with a smile. "I support the Avengers. So, down with Hydra." she skidoo'd while the looks of shock were frozen on their faces.

Once back in her room she collapsed on the bed giggling. She had fulfilled her missions. Until she heard a song playing from the living room. Her baby brother was watching that cursed movie again...if he watched it back to back she would have to take some drastic measures.